
Monster Art and Clothing Features Eli Wolff Paintings in September

Eli Wolff is a Seattle native who makes art designed to get people to laugh. His fondness for cartoons, sci-fi and fantasy book covers, 70s movie posters, and all kinds of pop-culture often creep into his work. He loves visual puns and geeky mash-ups. Some of his paintings start off just as a funny phrase and slowly evolve into a full painting. Other times the painting comes first and then the title of the piece reveals itself.
Eli Wolff

Also appearing at Monster is a live aerial performance by Jamie Von Stratton. J. Von Stratton is Seattle’s sweetheart and an icon in the arts community. J. Von Stratton has been performing for nearly a decade. She is an original member of the Burlesque supertroupe, The Atomic Bombshells. Her unique blend of theatrics, dance, camp, and kitsch have made her a Seattle favorite, as well as taken her across the globe. She has been a highlighted performer in Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Portugal, China, and Australia.
Monster Art and Clothing  5000 20th Avenue NW

Jessica Weathersby Continues at Anima Mundi in September

Jessica uses inventive techniques to cut paper into intricate, layered mixed media compositions.
Her show is continuing at Anima Mundi through September.
5410 22nd Avenue NW
Jessica Weathersby